Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Life is Beautiful

Our friend has pulled through. Her recovery has begun, and though it will be difficult for her, we are hoping that with the proper help and guidance, love and support, she will be able to make herself whole again. All of us are thrilled that she is still with us.

The sun is shining today for the first time in many days. Today I will take Connor outside. We will smell the crisp fall air, hear the crunch of the leaves under our feet, and watch the geese fly overhead. We might discuss where they are going, these honking noisy creatures. We will collect brightly colored leaves. We will likely get sniffly noses and chilly hands, and we will laugh. I will drink in the sight of him playing in the leaves, imprinting it into my memory. I will be reminded once again that life is all about making memories and enjoying the innocence of childhood, whatever your age may be.


Anonymous said...

I love the fall too!
Glad to hear that things are OK with your friend. Good to see you writing again.

Anonymous said...

It is later again. I sometimes wish I was able to spend the time with the kids that you do. The way you write it almost brings a tear to my eye wishing I was there in that moment with you guys.


p.s. Give'er