Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm a BAR-bie Girl

Yep. Looks like ya can get by on charm and good looks. I got hired for a job based on nothing but my amazing tanned toned bod, long blonde hair, and killer smile... LOL! (Oh, if only...!)

Where? The local bar, of course! I had my first night on Saturday and surprised myself by actually doing OK. Aside from pouring my dad drinks (2 fingers of rum, 3 fingers of coke!) when I was little, I've never done any bartending before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Turns out that it was easy to get the hang of and fun! I get to see some friends, listen to great music, and get paid! (And I made tips!! Sweet!) The gang that works there is awesome, and the manager is a really nice guy. It's just part time - to bring in a little extra $$ and get me out of the house, and it's only a few minutes from home in a small local club, so it works for us. (And yes, Levi is totally OK with this...!) A lot of people would cringe at working in a bar, but I love the positive energy that flows in a place like that. I think we may be on to something here, girls!

Eat yer heart out, Barbie!


Anonymous said...

Fun! I can see why you'd do well!!

Tanya said...

oh, i'm jealous! work it for those tips girlie! ;)

Anonymous said...

hey sister..were all barbie dolls at heart, our family is plastic hahaha kidding lol anyways have fun at the job!!!

Anonymous said...

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...!" Hahahaha! Maybe that should be changed to "to the bar!"