Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yeah, So...Anyways...

This is Connor's new saying of late. He could be happily playing with his Hot Wheels on the floor, and then have one say to the other, sighing, "Yeah, so...anyways.." Where does he get this from???? I personally find it quite funny, a little odd maybe, but it tickles my funny bone that a two year old can sound so much like, well... my mother!

Speaking of my bones and Connor, he is one rough kid to play with. There should be a warning stuck to his forehead somewhere... "Warning! Playing with this child can result in personal injury that may require medical attention...Do not attempt unless you are a trained professional..." Professional what, I'm not sure, but it sounded good at the time. Stunt double, maybe? At least that's what the doctor told me when he confirmed that my lovable bundle of "Ballamtimes Day" smoochy boy had indeed cracked my rib. Really. He cracked it!! It hurts a bit, but I'm OK. Apparently I had received this injury while playing on the floor with my sweet boy. He likes to jump on me and give me kisses and sometimes just roll over me (read steamroll) just for the sake of tumbling. He sometimes gets carried away and jumps knees first, and this particular time he did just that. I knew when he landed knees first on my unsuspecting side that he had done a bit of damage. My first clue was the shot of pain that went searing up my back and across my front. The second clue was that I couldn't breathe for a minute. You know that feeling you get when the wind gets knocked out of you by a punch in the gut or something? Like that, only with a two year old still gleefully jumping on me and shreiking "Mama! Play with me!" I eventually got up and shook it off, but continued to feel supersensitive for a few days before making the trip to the hospital. It will mend on it's own, but it's going to be a little sore for a bit. I've been Ok so far with Advil once in a while, so I'm gonna stick with that.

As it turns out, Connor is also apparently a danger to himself too. This morning he gave himself what looks like the beginnings of a black eye. I was in the bathroom at the time, so I'm not entirely sure what had happened, but he tells me that his pajamas hurt his eye. Hmmm.... not so sure about that one, but Yeah, So...Anyways...


Tanya said...

oh dear that what i have to look forward to??

lovely. i'd better stock up on advil...

Anonymous said...

Tons of fun stuff!! I know I'm gonna look back on this and laugh...I'm sort of doing that already. But yeah, either Advil or lots of booze!! LOL!