Thursday, January 01, 2009

Out with the Old - The First 6 months of 2008

Happy New Year!!

Time to review the old year and get on with some new stuff! Whoo-hoo! I think 2008 will be hard to beat as far as "new stuff" goes though - we've had a TON of changes happen around here last year, some good, some not so much. We all made it to January 1, 2009 intact and for the most part, happy, so I'll consider that a success.

January 2008

The Big Ice Storm

during which we lost electricity for a week.
Friends and family whose electricity was restored before ours was had invited us into their homes for steamy showers, hot meals and warm conversation.

I lost my job at the Family Resource Centre.

My baby sister turned 17.I love her to pieces.

February 2008

Back Porch Reno!

We started off with a dark, gloomy cave of a room and gutted it...

and made it a bit brighter by painting the floor and walls. At first the walls were a beigey-green, but I didn't really like it, so Levi made it greener to get this pretty color...

but then I decided that I liked this color better. I changed it when he was at work one day. Then I took the kids to swimming lessons before he got home. He likes it now. The End.

I started working part-time at the Montessori School and loved it. Life was good.

March 20008

My baby turned Five

My baby sister went to Italy

By mid-month, what I thought was a stomach virus turned into something more serious. I lost 14 pounds in two weeks and continued to lose. I also started hemmoraghing. The rest of the month was spent visiting specialists and trying not to go insane. Because I was unable to continue working, I attempted to file for unemployment/sick benefits. I was eight hours short and did not qualify. The stresses of unemployment and illness left me feeling depressed and my marriage hit a rough patch. I felt inadequate as a mother. This was the worst month of the year for me.

Did I mention that my baby turned FIVE?? His little face makes everything so much better.He is my sunshine...

April 2008

I'm finally starting to get some answers, and my health had started to stabilize a bit.

My sweet girl turned Eleven and Connor and I made a special "Birthday Breakfast" for her.
I had a hysterectomy two days after her birthday, and spent the rest of the month trying to recover. Friends and family helped to boost my spirts and I started to feel hopeful about the future again.She really did this to herself...and I still giggle everytime I look at it!

May 2008

May saw a stronger me, both physically and emotionally.

I turned 33, and my parents came to visit from Newfoundland to help celebrate with me.

Even though my dad was recovering from an accident and subsequent shoulder surgery, he still managed to BBQ the best steaks ever with one arm. My sister Crissy was also here to chow down with us that night!

June 2008

My baby sister graduated from High School. I'm so proud of her...

This was a great reason to get all dressed up and head to the big city! LOL!
And of course the kids were on their best behavior

We also added to our family -we adopted Beckham from the PEI Humane Society.

We planted our veggie garden, and the kids finished school for the summer. Terran graduated from Jr. High.

Tomorrow, the Rest of the story! I know, I know, but try to contain your excitement! My computer won't let me do anything else and my eyes are starting to cross from staring at this stupid screen.

Stay Cozy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that pup - too cute!

Happy New Year!