Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ugly Side of Divorce

Yesterday I received a letter in the mail. It was a form that I had requested from my ex-husband about three months ago. This form was necessary in order to revise the amount of child support that one must pay, since the guidelines and amounts have changed as of May 1, 2006. (They've actually gone down.) Since I have not requested any changes to the Child Support Order or Parental Agreement since they were originally drafted in 2001, it was high time to revise.

One section of the agreement states that Ex must provide me with his tax forms by May 1st of each year, and I am to do the same if he requests. (Since I am a stay-at-home mom, he knows that I don't really have an income, doesn't he? Does he really think that I make more than he, an Engineer, does?) This has been done once in 2003. Like the doormat that I am, I let it slide. No review, no adjustments. Levi thinks that I am waaayy too nice to him, considering all that he has put me through after we had separated.

Like how he didn't pay child support or paid $100 a month until the court ordered an actual amount.

Like all the times that he never picked up the kids when they were waiting for him.

Like the time he went down south with his snotty girlfriend and OOPS! Got married to her and neglected to tell the kids. (His explanation was that I was pregnant. Huh?!? WTF?? Okay, so babies sometimes just happen. But marriages in another country? Not so much.)

Or the time that he refused to pay his share of daycare expenses and I had to find alternate childcare because of "nonpayment." I was *ahem* "not really working" I was "volunteering". (This was right after 9/11 and I was working at the Red Cross. We had sent some people to New York and I was helping out in the office beyond my normal paid hours.) True, that part was unpaid, but it did result in me being offered a permanent office position. Our agreement states that he must pay a certain percentage of daycare expenses as a result of any employment, education, illness, disability, training for employment,etc.

Or the time that he called me while I was on a course in Toronto, claiming that he was going to remove Madeline from school four days from the end of the year and have her stay with his parents, because he wasn't happy with the care that she was receiving for the hour and a half after school until Levi got home. (She was being looked after by Levi's mother, but apparently he didn't believe that.) He even phoned the school...
Upon my return home a week later, he had a Social Worker show up at my door because he seriously thought that I was leaving Madeline unattended after school. The Social Worker was very satisfied that she was well cared for and left shaking his head at the lengths that Some People would go to just to cause trouble for another person.

OR the time that he wrote a letter to MY lawyer, stating that I tried to screw him out of money by telling him that he could claim our daughter (after my refusal to sign a letter saying that she lived with him 50% of the time, which she absolutely never has) and then went ahead and claimed her myself. In the same letter he cited that my "personal opinions regarding my wife and myself..." are of concern to him and he is worried about the affect that this is having on his daughter. Yeah, whatever. This one was because I had asked for his tax returns for years 2001-2003.

I could go on and on, but it won't get me any closer to my point. Ah yes, the most recent letter. He seems to (or rather The Wife seems to) get quite defensive and UGG - LEE when a request goes out for his tax information. After being promised the information on numerous occasions, I finally had it in my hands. Opening up the envelope, I noticed that a letter had been attached to the tax form.

Once again typed up by The Wife, he demands "a copy of Madeline's report card mailed to (him)... as well as a copy of the school calendar so I am aware of the dates when she is not attending classes. Also, ... I want to receive notifications from Maddie's health care professionals, ie, family physician, pediatrician, dentist, regarding any issues that they feel I should be informed of... Give these instructions in writing to the school and health care professionals... give them my work number, cellular number as well as my mailing address. If I am unavailable, please instruct them to speak with my wife..."

Ummm, what the hell is this? Let's break this down, shall we?

* Report card - When she gets it, she takes it to show him, her grandparents,and anyone else who will look at it. And forget parent teacher interviews. Hasn't been to one of these either, even with a week's notice.

*School calendar - Like he's going to take a day off and see her? He never has before. And on days when she has had a long weekend, he has known about it and she has even spent a few of these days at his house, only to be looked after by The Wife's Parents while he worked. And what about March Break? Why does he always take the two weeks before March break to go South with The Wife, but never takes one of those weeks to spend with Maddie during her break?

* Notifications from healthcare professionals - OK, these cost money. Is he gonna pay for it? I have always phoned him (his machine) when she needed to see a doctor. "Hey, it's me, I had Maddie to the Dr. today, he said she has a sinus infection. She's on antibiotics and has to go back in 10 days for a re-check." Or " She had her dental check-up today. She has a cavity. He also suggested a device for her mouth... He wants you to stop in and see him." Keep in mind that the dentist is also his dentist AND a friend from school. And the clinic is in the same mall where Ex goes to the gym. Almost daily. He hasn't been in yet.

* Instruct them to speak with my wife - Ummm... NO. FRIGGIN. WAY. Last time I checked, she wasn't Madeline's mommy. I am. And last time I checked, Ex was her other parent, not The Wife. I didn't see anything in the court order giving her decision making priveledges concerning my daughter. Levi doesn't even do that, and he lives with us. And if Ex is too busy to be a parent and can't handle a phone call regarding his daughter, then maybe he should just let me handle things. Oh! Wait! I already am!

So, yeah. There it is. Another Happy Letter from The Happy Couple because I had the nerve to ask for something I am legally entitled to. Oh! And when I finally did get to speak to him about it, when he called the day after Father's Day because I left him a message on Father's Day telling him that Maddie was upset that she tried calling several times to wish him a happy Father's Day and he wasn't answering? He said it was "nothing personal." Just something he and his lawyer "talked about one night out at the bar." Right.

It happens every time. Makes me wonder though, if I will have to put up with his bullshit every year, or every time some change needs to be made. For as long as I have my daughter living with me, I really believe that Ex is still out to make sure that I don't have anything more than what he thinks I deserve, and will constantly try to find ways to create stress in my life and try to control my happiness. This, my friends, is one of the Ugly Sides of Divorce. I think it's time for Some People to move on with their life, don't you? Almost six years later,and it's Still. Friggin'. Ugly.


Pat said...

My ex and I have been divorced me think...19 years now. My son is 23 (this weekend) and still lives at home while attending college. His father got PO'd with me one day six years ago and hasn't called his son since. He says it's because he doesn't want to call and have ME answer the phone. No problem, here's your son's cell phone number. Still no calls. Wonder what the excuse is now? He has not spoken to his son, other than birthday and Christmas envelopes, in 5 years now -- because he's mad at ME.

For his 18th birthday and high school graduation (happened on same day) he sent his son a POST DATED check (dated June 31st of all days) for $600 with a 2"x2" post it note that said "I'm proud of you."

Year before last at Christmas, he sends the kid a POST DATED check for $100 (dated January 1) in an envelope with NO CARD. When the check gets cashed, it bounces in every direction imaginable. Joe won't tell his father, says it's probably embarassing enough for him. I tell Joe he's a better person than I am, and send his father a nasty email telling him that his check bounced.

The schmuck filed bankruptcy to avoid paying arrears ($3,500) for child support but found out that child support is not dischargeable under bankruptcy law. So he just stops sending it. I get the Child Support Enforcement folks after him, and they garnish his pay. In March he tells his employer "I filed bankruptcy so you can't take money out of my pay any more." So the employer stops, and now CSEU has to send a nasty gram to him and his employer.

(Our divorce decree orders him to pay support until Joe finishes college -- many states are incorporating this into decrees these days.)

Yesterday Joe got an envelope (no card) from his father with $100 cash in it. Wrapped around the cash was a little note pad piece of paper (torn from a spiral pad, 2½" x 4") that said "Joseph," not Joe, not "Son," just "Joseph." Nobody's EVER called the kid Joseph except for me when I'm mad at him, or teachers on the first day of school.

It goes on to say "Happy Birthday, no it's not a card but that's a long story."

He probably couldn't afford the card. At least he sent cash so his check wouldn't bounce...or maybe he's not allowed a checking account any more.

The proverbial straw?

He signed it with his NAME, not "Dad," "Father," or anything else.

What a frickin' putz.

Your ex saying he didn't answer the phone for your DAUGHTER because of something the lawyer told him is pure-dee BS.

Wouldn't you love to just smack him? Just once?

I know I've been tempted MANY times over the years.

Anonymous said...

Okay..can you say DICK?! haha .. not even worth your time sis:) love youuu!!! and your BEAUTIFUL FAMILY MINUS THAT SIDE OF IT

Amy said...

Hi Pat! Welcome! WOW - Your ex is beyond Putz. Your son is a better person than I would be, that's for sure. Happy Birthday to him! I should clarify that my ex meant that the letter was nothing personal. (As if) As for not answering the phone on father's day, he said he forgot it was father's day. (Right.) And yeah, I really do wanna smack him sometimes. Like the time he waited until almost Maddie's bedtime to call her and wish her a Happy Birthday. After her crying, thinking he forgot. Ass.

Kayla, you said it! Love you too!

Anonymous said...

His (and your) daughter called him on Father's Day. Good for her!
Your ex should be proud, not all daughters take the time to call their fathers on Father's Day.